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.Saturday, July 26, 2008 ' 10:24 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

Saturday, 26 July 2008, 10.25 p.m

Hello everybody.... How have you guys been?! Okay, very Lame..... aiya, yesterday, i couldn't sleep and my brain was entirely died. Cannot absorb anything at all. Study all the way until 2 and still I couldn't absorb anything, I tell you.... you will never know how it feels..... BRAIN-DEAD. And I had to even resort to cheating by copying a few of Alison's answers (very selfish right?) aiya, Mr Koh say that if we fail then cannot take A.maths anymore la...
Back to school, Lionel actually came to school on Tuesday. (the one that just passed) Then after that, he didn't even come back to school until today. Lame right ?! I think he came to school on Tuesday cause someone call his mum and ask her to let him come to school..... Lame

Oh ya, Teng actually managed to spend some "er ren shi jie" with sijia today. Umm, I was told that Teng required another 3 hours to add up to 60 hours for his CIP so he can get 1 more point and get an A. hahahahaha. Then, Sijia actually pei Teng all the way for the 3 hours (or so i was told.) Wonder how they were like together? -.-"

So anyway, tomorrow's Sunday which means the next day will be monday.... (Sobs) aiya, more studying. I feel that I get to spend very less time at home since this month. Almost every sat, coming bakc to school, either for mock exam or F&N remedials. *Sigh... Just wish that all will be over soon

Entry END.

.Monday, July 21, 2008 ' 8:41 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

Monday, July 21, 2008 8.42 p.m

Wa siao today sucks man..... My flu affected my entire mood.... So sian

* blow nose

Wa siao... See la so tired. Everytime I sneeze right? I feel as if my energy is drained......
4 symptoms: slight fever (37.8), headaches(this one is on off one....), sore throat, and finally the worst flu..... cannot stand it la. Brought like 4 packs of tissue, finished all and still needed to lend -.-" lame right?! Tomorrow if can i definitely will bring a whole tissue box.

Wow, i cooked sushi today sia. 2 boxes. Less than 5 minutes. All gone -.-" so nice mah?! For those who ate it, if stomach-ache don't come and find me hor. But seriously speaking, very expensive sia. $15 on all the ingredients... EX right!!!!!

Oh ya, lao..... Mr Koh kp me today (i know he's joking) he say that i dream about girls every maths lesson .... -.-" don't know why also..... HAHA so funny right ?! WA, and we still must study for the Math(s) test on this SAT. If less than 80, Mr Koh will say i fail one la.......
Aiya Sian la... By right, I should be studying now... I told my mum that I need to study thats why she let me use the computer. But by left, I am writing my blog, if she finds out.... DIE lor...

Oh ya, Sijia send me all the geog notes le..... Hooray... Tomorrow won't get kao bei(ed) already .... So thanks arh Sijia... Oh ya and Teng, Don't be angry.....

Entry END.

.Sunday, July 20, 2008 ' 9:41 AM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

Sunday, July 20, 2008 9.42 a.m

Hahaha zzzzz i "pon" church first service la!!!! Why?
Doing geog notes, remember arh those who nvr do tomorrow sure tio kp one la.....
"Ai, why never do! why never do your work! Give you so much time. Actually say friday one, but give you time extension and you still haven't finish" -.-"
Wa, these few days sick sia
In fact i think a lot of people are sick .... Yvonne, Teng (not sure he recover already a not, i think recover already la).......... wa siao..... Flu, sore throat, Slight fever, and even headaches.... DIE la
Every few minutes have to clear nose... (Blocked)
HEI...... *blow nose

Very tired la these few days thats why dunno whether wan to blog a not....
Yesterday's mock exam....Screw up (Teng's favourite verse). On Friday, I spent the whole night studying.... No sleep at all.... Very sian... Then that EeChen ask me wake her up at 4 in the morning by calling her phone. At the end, i call for a whole hour... She don't want to answer... Waste my time.... Hahaha joking joking... Oh ya, I am making sushi tomorrow. Anybody want must tell me okay...... Very sian la

*blow nose

GG la mock exam ...... Tomorrow also die cause Mr. Tee going to kill me x.x

Entry END.

.Tuesday, July 15, 2008 ' 7:39 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

15 July 2008, Tuesday 7.40 p.m

Wa so long since I last blogged. Really don't know what to blog about. Aiya, school again, thats the only thing I can do. Today we had our O' level LC (listening comprehension). The test crazy one lor. 2.30 report, then stay there for 1/2 an hour listening to music WTF. At the end, 3 then start, crazy lor. Wa, Lionel actually came today. Even if his "tail" bone hurts. Well, even so, he say he still might not come to school tomorrow. Don't know why. Oh ya, and Daniel's got a "cool" scar on his forehead. Hehe, I gave him a new nickname: Daniel Potter.....

Walao arh, today I rerun 2.4. Suck la my score. Actually came in 7 seconds later from the previous run..... Suck la.... Oh ya, during assembly today, I saw the photo that Lik, Teng, Brian, Chun Feng, Nick, and Anna..... the one that you see us holding on to the huge jar... In Little India.... K thats all I have to say liao, nothing much......

Entry END.

.Friday, July 11, 2008 ' 9:53 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

Walao ai... NCC P.O.P liao le which means I will not be involved in any NCC events liao le. Honestly speaking, I am quite sad that I will not be in NCC anymore liao but everybody have to grow up, right?! Even so, I will still try to devote a few Fridays to go and see the NCC peeps. (gotta miss them lots) Oh ya, it was plenty of fun though. We "tao pok" Sidney HEHE.... Arthur YAYA...... and lots more. The sec 3's had their revenge on Chun Kien (their "former" APC) by pouring ice cubes into his pants, with special help from Lian Zhi... After "tao pok"-ing Arthur, we somehow broke his no.3 name tag Zzz. No name for him liao. So fun right ?! But too bad, all has to come to an end...
Still remembered when I was first asked to write my name to join NCC when I was a sec 1, I had plenty of doubts. But now thinking of the old days, I kinda miss it. Well, maybe after my O's, I might consider entering the CLT course so that I can attach back to Nan Chiau, then I can see the NCCs again (YEYE).

Back to academic, I actually scored 62 for my A.maths test on Revision 1. B4 sia.... Very high for me le.... unbelievable....... Lionel's not back yet. Heard that he has hurt his "tail" bone or something like that. o.O. Dumb right ?! Aiya, 4 years liao le. Very soon would be my O's liao then after that would leave evevyone I know ......... Wonder when will I see them again.....

Entry END.

.Tuesday, July 8, 2008 ' 7:42 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

8th July 2008, Tuesday 7.42 p.m

HIHI everyone. Really sorry for not blogging these few days, nothing special to blog about though Zzz. Very sian la today, had a fight with my mum..... feeling bad about it. Sian la, if knew this would happen then shouldn't quarrel liao lor.

Anyway back to serious business. Hahaha, Sijia admitted that she likes Teng today ..... I think Teng will emo if he sees this message. So, Brian, Lik, Daniel and I are really making fun of him.... Oh ya, Hui Xian, ummm, Ying ting and even Ee Chen say they like Teng. WOW, Teng's the man lor. So many girls after him -.-" Still got the last time 2F girls Zzz....

Wa, Lionel seriously M.I.A (missing in action) Really dunno where he went for the past week ZZZ from last wednesday to today. Crazy right ?! Nobody knows what happened to him, can't contact him. I suspect chicken pox..... If tomorrow he doesn't come to school, ..... I dunno whats going to happen.

Oh ya, today after physics remedial, Brian, Teng, Lik and I went to compass point and so Felicia Chin sia... and some other guy. Dunno his name but they were at the compass point flower shop taking footage of the channel 8, 7 o' clock show, wad "xin hua duo duo kai" HEHE...... wow she is very tall when she wears her high-heels.... Teng has some pictures although its very blur.

Entry END.

.Wednesday, July 2, 2008 ' 7:19 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

2nd July 2008, Wednesday 7.20 p.m

Haha great dayI had (Ya right...) Walao, my leg still hurt like F*** cannot stand it la. Oh well, for the advantage of those who do not know what is going on, I fell while running my 2.4km N.A.F.A test. Freaking "long gao" very pain sia. Even after I wash still have the scar from my knee to my foot (very ugly sia -.-" J.K!!!) Even after I fell, I still came in second. Before I fell, I was second. After I fall, I am still second. don't know what the third guy doing sia. Anyway, my foot got stuck in the F***ing "long gao" for nearly one minute and the third guy didn't even catch up, must be very slow lor. Ying² was beside me when i fell and she still laughed... What kind of friend wan Zzz. Okay, back to the 2.4 incident, I came in "second" at 12.13 minutes. (second la Pro right ?) This scar will alos make me remember about the bad times I had in Nan Chiau High School (I will rise my objection of the stupid "long gao" gap if i have a chance to.)

Haha, back to reality, I went to comic connections today la and bought Naruto book 52 (the latest). If anyone of you want to know, "Zi Lai Ye" died. Or at least I think he did. He drowned after stabbed by 4 knifes. o.O. Sasuke and Itachi are having a 'brotherly" battle. (Rock on Sasuke).

Haha today's Hui Yee's birthday so I wish her here in my blog a happy 16th birthday. Zzzz

.Tuesday, July 1, 2008 ' 7:52 PM Y
pon&zi was just all around...

1st July 2008, Tueday 7.53 p.m

Wa siao... Never been so tired before, must be the first liao lor. Wear NCC uniform for the whole day cause today's NCC day ... Sleeped through the whole of chemistry (or at least I tried) Very tired arh. My phone is still spoilt -.-" cannot repair. Haha today's NCC day parade rocks. On man! Oh ya, Mr Tay (I don't really know how to spell his surname but I think is something like that) our V.P called JianYu don't know what Yu jian or something like that .... Today all the bean boyz except for dan dan went to eat KFC after school. I actually pump Teng 50 cents cause Lik and Teng quarrelling over a 50 cents. Teng say he will go KFC if someone pump him 50 cents but Lik don't have coins Zzz. Lik say what pump Teng 40 cents, 10 cents ask Teng pay himself. Teng dun wan -.-". 10 cents nia. WTF. Cannot stand them so I pump Teng 50 cents. Teng say he will post about this "incident". Must remember to read about it in his blog. Oh ya, Teng's water bottle is missing liao, not on the top of delifrance liao don't know where it went to liao -.-" K la......

Entry END.


Xavier Huang Zhen Hao



Chun Feng
Ee Chen
Lik Zhing
Huah Yun
Hui Xian
Hui Yee
Si Jia
Wilson Teng
Ying Ting
Yuen Chai


The Pretender - Foo Fighters

VIDs ♥